Saturday, February 14, 2009

You were expecting something different?

A combination of life's experiences combined with the fine public schooling in Putnam City, Oklahoma provide me with this observation about Michelle Wie's loss today: I saw it coming.

Did you?

This girl has been groomed from the age of 13 to be a loser. Her parents continually put her in situations where the higher percentage was on the side of her failing. It is her parents that have built this six year gap that exists between today and her last victory at ANY level. Yet, where is the blame?

With Leadbetter's tutelage, you can learn to take your swing from upright to 'on plane' and to hit knockdown wedges. But what he or no other instructor can teach you to do is how to win.

Don't get me wrong. In the grand scheme of things, a second place finish for a 19yr old rookie on the LPGA Tour is a nice feat. But do you think it is worthy of multi-million dollar endorsements from SONY and Nike Golf?

Do you?

There is a saying that all you learn from losing is how to lose. Well, thanks to BJ Wie and his misguided, ignorant wife, Michelle has a Masters degree in losing and is working toward her double major in Late Round Collapses.

In today's final round, Michelle did all she could and all she has ever known: lost. I think it's time for the announcers to stop putting the attention on Michelle's failure to win and place it squarely on the shoulders of her parents. Put a mic in their face, and ask them the following question: "How much blame do you take for Michelle not knowing how to win?"

Don't you?

PS Mark Rolfing's announcing today was over the top. He went beyond being an apologist for Michelle choking down the stretch, and came across as a downright enabler for Michelle's parents. Shame on Mark for his unprofessional behavior today.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Practice Shots

This week is the Sony Open

  • No 5 ft 1in teenage boy or 6ft 1in teenage girl in the field for the first time in many more freak shows. It's just about the golf. It's about time.
  • Australians have won quite a bit in Hawaii...if it gets breezy, look for Ogilvy to win this week too.
  • While you're at it, check out the web site for my radio show at My co host Garry Smits has a great notes section on this (This Week tab) and every week's event. Also, he and I give our picks for this week. We're on a pretty good roll...if one week of good picks is considered a 'roll'.
  • Did you catch any of Rich Lerner interviewing Boo Weekley at the Mercedes? Rich asked Boo what he had for dinner the previous night, and Boo said "pork chops". That response was met with quite the pompous chuckle and a 'gotta love it' kinda attitude. As if pork chops is the choice of dinner for the great unwashed.
  • Speaking of Boo, in discussing his book with Lerner, Rich asked if he's gonna be the next Hemmingway. Boo responded "who's that?"...only to VERY quickly say "I'm just kiddin". Me is starting to think the Boo Show is just that...a show. Keep an eye on it.